And now Tex. Tex is another one of the wonderful characters that inhabit Pioneer Square. Tex, as his nickname indicates-no idea his given name, is from.....guess.....guess. CORRECT. TEX-ASS. But no worries about Tex as he personifies everything that is good about the state of Texas; sweet tea, deliberate southern drawl, bad cigarettes and MANORS. Yep, you heard correct you jaded bastards. MANORS. Yes sir and Yes Maam. I know most of you fuckers have problems with that because it makes you feel old or disrespected but Up Yours. Deal with it!
Tex stands a slim and bow-legged 5-8 and checks in at about 160. Slight in frame is not a problem for Tex as he has a great, deep, commanding southern gentleman voice. He reminds me of what is good about the south. He also has a great attitude. Even though he has been unemployed for a year, he's a welder, he still wakes up everyday, orders his sweet tea at Starbucks and then hammers the web sites for jobs. wonder I like these guys. I am half a step away from joining them.
Tex has only two ambitions in life. Getting a job and getting back to Texas. He, like an amazing amount of people that I run into, hates Seattle. No gray area there, clouds notwithstanding, either you like this place or not. It's easy to root for Tex because he is so genuine. What you see is what you get and honestly, this day and age, thats a great character trait. You get my vote Tex and best of luck to you.
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