Well folks, found the job. Evidentally, the skill set I possess is only good with the homeless and children. Any hidden meanings there? I wonder. As it turns out I am kind of perfect to work with the troubled youth at the Boys and Girls Club. A mildly ironic point as, in retrospect, I guess I was a troubled youth. Never thought about it before now but there you are. The only difference in the past three and a half decades are the youth part of that statement. Now I am just troubled. Lets hope I get the job and at least those ghosts will leave me alone.
Walking around this city over the past month has shown me one major theme that, previously, I didnt realize. There are ghosts everywhere. I dont mean ghosts boo, but the haunting of the past theme based ghosts. It would be nice if they went away. I do dread them so. Once again, another lesson to pass on to the children? This is going to be a well adjusted group of throw-away kids. Wonder what fate will serve me next?

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Homeless but for the kindness of friends
Whenever I hear that the world is shit and we are all doomed my Spider Sense starts to tingle. Contrary to stereotypes Seattle is not that pessimistic of a town and most people here seem to take a bright view of events, no irony intentended about the weather. It is with great heart that I have to thank B and J for everything they have done. Not only have they let me raid their living room, help feed me and generally have a concern for my well being, but they have bolstered my confidence and have shown great patience in my daily frustrations of start-over number (who knows).
Thank you friends. When you are needed you are certainly there and the mark of a true friend is to help not only when things are good but when things are difficult. You may have restored my faith in humanity and for that I am eternally grateful. I only hope I can somehow repay the tremendous favor.
Thank you friends. When you are needed you are certainly there and the mark of a true friend is to help not only when things are good but when things are difficult. You may have restored my faith in humanity and for that I am eternally grateful. I only hope I can somehow repay the tremendous favor.
Too old?
Pulled a muscle in my ass and my groin this morning. Damn wind! Second Ave speedway at 6:00 A.M.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A kind gesture in an angry world.
While serving a man today, triple mocha no whip, I noticed that he was reading Anthony Kiedis' biography "Scar Tissue" and being a fan of the Chili Peppers I had to ask.
"So how is it"
"Not bad, Kiedas is an interesting guy. He really loves his women"
"Women as in plural right"
"Oh yeah, lots of plural. Plus about every 75 pages he is battling another addiction."
"Interesting. I may have to check that out"
The dude leaves, I didnt even get his name, and I go back to coffee central. An hour later here he comes and as I plan on his refill he gently smiles and says "Hey man, just finished the book, its all yours. Enjoy."
Its funny how the simple kindness of someone can brighten your day. Needless to say, I am starting the book this evening. Will let everyone know how it turns out.
"So how is it"
"Not bad, Kiedas is an interesting guy. He really loves his women"
"Women as in plural right"
"Oh yeah, lots of plural. Plus about every 75 pages he is battling another addiction."
"Interesting. I may have to check that out"
The dude leaves, I didnt even get his name, and I go back to coffee central. An hour later here he comes and as I plan on his refill he gently smiles and says "Hey man, just finished the book, its all yours. Enjoy."
Its funny how the simple kindness of someone can brighten your day. Needless to say, I am starting the book this evening. Will let everyone know how it turns out.
Self important Dick!
GET off your cell phone on the bus you self important dick! I dont need to hear about your latest hemorrhoid operation. It's 6:00 A.M., can I please enjoy my coffee without rogue narration.
Thank You.
Asshole in a hat sitting behind you.
Thank You.
Asshole in a hat sitting behind you.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Jonathan Carroll is the man Part 2
A whole fucking volkswagon full of reasons why this man is truly brilliant. I am currently reading "Bones of the Moon."
"One of the saddest realities is that we never know when our lives are at their peak. Only after it is over and we have some kind of perspective do we realize how good we had it a day, a month, five years ago. "
— Jonathan Carroll
"One of the most terrible losses man endures in his lifetime is not even noticed by most people, much less mourned. Which is astonishing, because what we lose is in many ways one of the essential qualities that sets us apart from other creatures. I'm talking about the loss of the sense of wonder that is such an integral part of our world when we are children. However, as we grow older, that sense of wonder shrinks from cosmic to microscopic by the time we are adults. Kids say "Wow!" all the time. Opening their mouths fully, their eyes light up with genuine awe and glee. The word emanates not so much from a voice box as from an astonished soul that has once again been shown that the world is full of amazing unexpected things.
When was the last time you let fly a loud, truly heartfelt "WOW?"
Not recently I bet. Because generally speaking wonder belongs to kids, with the rare exception of falling madly in love with another person, which invariably leads to a rebirth of wonder. As adults, we are not supposed to say or feel Wow, or wonder, or even true surprise because those things make us sound goofy, ingenuous, and childlike. How can you run the world if you are in constant awe of it?...
The human heart has a long memory though and remembers what it was like to live through days where it was constantly surprised and delighted by the world around it."
— Jonathan Carroll
"One of the saddest realities is that we never know when our lives are at their peak. Only after it is over and we have some kind of perspective do we realize how good we had it a day, a month, five years ago. "
— Jonathan Carroll
"One of the most terrible losses man endures in his lifetime is not even noticed by most people, much less mourned. Which is astonishing, because what we lose is in many ways one of the essential qualities that sets us apart from other creatures. I'm talking about the loss of the sense of wonder that is such an integral part of our world when we are children. However, as we grow older, that sense of wonder shrinks from cosmic to microscopic by the time we are adults. Kids say "Wow!" all the time. Opening their mouths fully, their eyes light up with genuine awe and glee. The word emanates not so much from a voice box as from an astonished soul that has once again been shown that the world is full of amazing unexpected things.
When was the last time you let fly a loud, truly heartfelt "WOW?"
Not recently I bet. Because generally speaking wonder belongs to kids, with the rare exception of falling madly in love with another person, which invariably leads to a rebirth of wonder. As adults, we are not supposed to say or feel Wow, or wonder, or even true surprise because those things make us sound goofy, ingenuous, and childlike. How can you run the world if you are in constant awe of it?...
The human heart has a long memory though and remembers what it was like to live through days where it was constantly surprised and delighted by the world around it."
— Jonathan Carroll
later on nameless man
As per my previous post I decided to drink my lunch/dinner this evening. First round was a toast salute to the patrons of "The Streamline" in honor of a man I never knew and met at the very end. Goodbye old soul.
...and now for something completely different.....
Well folks, I have had some strange mornings in my 35 odd years but today was a first. Came across a dead homeless dude at Seattle Center at 4:03 in the AM. Odd thing is, I was not completely surprised and dude seemed at peace. Maybe it was his time. The Seattle Center Security dude that pulled up took a quick statement, that didnt include my name, and bid me farewell. Well not exactly farewell, more like later man. 45 minutes later I am making my first Latte of the morning. Does this put things into perspective or am I just an odd man that finds odd shit. Maybe I was a defunct prospector in my previous life. Who knows?
So what does bother me is that there is a good chance that no one but myself and an over caffeinated security guard will know that this man, maybe in his early 50's, punched his ticket this March 28th. I will certainly check the paper and maybe even watch a bit of the evening news but my experience tells me that a dead homeless man is not news worthy. We have to give Charlie Sheen his air time right!
So it goes.
So what does bother me is that there is a good chance that no one but myself and an over caffeinated security guard will know that this man, maybe in his early 50's, punched his ticket this March 28th. I will certainly check the paper and maybe even watch a bit of the evening news but my experience tells me that a dead homeless man is not news worthy. We have to give Charlie Sheen his air time right!
So it goes.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Whose thoughts are these? Mine?
Early evening musings about the Emerald City. You tell me if anything beats a good beer, a good book and Medeski Martin and Wood while viewing the Seattle cityscape. If you can beat that your a better man than me Gunga Din.
I challenge you mortals to top it.
Better bring your A game. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I challenge you mortals to top it.
Better bring your A game. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Microsoft sucks!
Ok people time to face facts. Microsoft sucks. Windows operating system= terrible. MS Office=terrible. Windows mobile for phones=fucking sucks. Now I dont speak these words in vain. I genuinely wish microsoft didnt blow goats, however the reality is clear. STOP buying these products!
How many times did you reboot YOUR phone today! 3 and counting. Cant wait for number 4.
The question becomes; is it time for everyone to switch to MAC.
If so, does that ensure the downfall of everyones beloved Apple.
OR, do I feel a genuine luddite moment coming on. Punctuation need not apply.
How many times did you reboot YOUR phone today! 3 and counting. Cant wait for number 4.
The question becomes; is it time for everyone to switch to MAC.
If so, does that ensure the downfall of everyones beloved Apple.
OR, do I feel a genuine luddite moment coming on. Punctuation need not apply.
Benioff is the man
For those of you who have not read David Benioff get the hell up off the couch, go to the nearest bookstore (or library if you are one of THOSE) and pick up a copy of "City of Thieves." This is one of the few books that I have read that at the end I yelled "Hell YEAH!" For those that do not know me you may wonder who is posting this crap. For those of you who do; no explanation needed. City of Thieves is the BEST example of a coming of age story. None of that Catcher in the Rye bullshit where Holden "Douchbag" Caufield wails about how he rebels against society. This is a story about the trials and tribulations of war and to the extreme lengths people must go just to eat.
Somewhere in all the shit and sadness the characters find happiness, and for me, that's what counts. None of this whining about prep school shit, lets see where your next meal is coming from. If at the end of it all you can wake up, smile and start your day then Rock On!
Back to Benioff. The prose is terse, the language is sparse and the plot moves forward; ever forward. No digressions, no asides, no lost in the beauty or horror that is St. Petersburg during wartime. A story of loss and a story of friendship. Pick it up and read it. Say thank you because you are welcome. Don't expect a happy ending; it is war time. Plus, how many happy endings are their in life? If all were happy how the hell would we recognize the unhappy.
Somewhere in all the shit and sadness the characters find happiness, and for me, that's what counts. None of this whining about prep school shit, lets see where your next meal is coming from. If at the end of it all you can wake up, smile and start your day then Rock On!
Back to Benioff. The prose is terse, the language is sparse and the plot moves forward; ever forward. No digressions, no asides, no lost in the beauty or horror that is St. Petersburg during wartime. A story of loss and a story of friendship. Pick it up and read it. Say thank you because you are welcome. Don't expect a happy ending; it is war time. Plus, how many happy endings are their in life? If all were happy how the hell would we recognize the unhappy.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Practice post.
This blog is going to be observations, book reviews and general bitchings. Hold the fort it should be fun.
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